Beach Magic

There is nothing more magical than the beach. It’s the edge where we see the endless horizon, salt spray fills the air covering our bodies and hair, the gulls fly low calling out into the ocean wind that magically relaxes the muscles and opens the mind. 

I live about 2 hours from the coast in Virginia. I’m no stranger to the lone day trip, lugging a chair, umbrella, cooler of La Croix and huge bag filled with books and journals. My favorite thing is to sit under a shaded umbrella zone. My skin smelling of coconut oil and thankfully my hair is long enough now to pull off of my neck. 

When I’m not there I find myself wanting to be back there, it’s where I think. It’s my happy place. I always feel inspired. Some of my best tears are shed in the salty wind, letting go of my attachment to “my” plans and allowing, simply allowing.

If you’re not close to a beach there are still ways to bring the energy of the beach to you. 

There are crystals, rocks, minerals, shells and more that evoke the positive gains from a beach trip. 

1- Abalone shells are commonly used in sage “smudge” rituals to clear the energy/air of a place. They are perfect bowls to hold other crystals or special mementos. The shell is rough looking on the outside but inside the flash is incredible with it’s blues, whites and greens. Abalone is shielding and offers a sense of protection as well as spreading tranquility. It soothes emotionally charged situations.

2-Ocean Jasper has the appearance of a beach landscape. It has many looks but so many of them look like the ocean, sand and sky. It has a soothing energy and is especially good for renewal or transformation, just like a good day at the beach can feel. It releases stress and helps release worry so you can connect with positive, optimistic feelings. 


3-Sunstone carries the energy of the sun along with joy, optimism and happiness. Sunstone is a great antidote to depressive tendencies. It can help you find the strength you need when going through difficult changes or transitions. Sunstone can also tempt our inner child to come out to play, forgetting the cares and worries so they can play in the wind or ride a few waves. 

4-Sea glass is beautiful and mysterious, what has it been? Where is it from? It carries the immense energy of ocean and transformation. I recommend choosing your sea glass based on the color you’re attracted to as well as the shape. What does it remind you of? You can find many artistic pieces of sea glass jewelry. I have a set I wear that brings up in me the same excited feeling of discovery that you get when sorting through found beach treasures. 

5- Halite (rock salt) is a great way to bring the energy of purification into your life when you’re not surrounded by salt spray. Definitely don’t let your halite get wet or it will dissolve. Halite can cleanse the aura, purify a room (especially when used as a salt lamp) and help balance the emotions. 

Beach magic

 If you’re letting something leave your life you can draw a representation of it in the sand and allow the waves to come and wash over it rhythmically until it is gone. 

I’ve been known to bring a big jar to the beach to collect sand and sometimes salty sea water. I have used the sand to hold up candles in bowls, Hold up the center crystal in a crystal grid, use as a “zen garden” raking and molding designs in it with my fingers. 

Deep breathing, deep thinking, allowing the inspiration to come for you without grasping too hard for it. 

Watch the sun rise and set.

Yoga on the beach. 

If you’re lucky enough to be near a beach then go and enjoy. If you’re nowhere close you can still bring elements of the beach to you in the stones and shells and your vivid imagination. Feel the purification. 

Whether you’re at the beach or at home there is something magical about a morning ritual. I want to share with you a 9 page guide to creating a magical morning ritual.

Sign up below.

I’m even throwing in a planner and journal about creating your own perfect ritual. You can’t miss this!!!

Kelly St Claire is a Certified Crystal Healer and ACM-Advanced Crystal Master through the Hibiscus Moon Crystal Academy, trained Life and Holistic Nutrition Coach through the Southwest Institute of Healing Arts, and Master Hair Designer/Beauty Styli…

Kelly St Claire is a Certified Crystal Healer and ACM-Advanced Crystal Master through the Hibiscus Moon Crystal Academy, trained Life and Holistic Nutrition Coach through the Southwest Institute of Healing Arts, and Master Hair Designer/Beauty Stylist for over 25 years. She helps people change negative self- perceptions around their bodies, emotional eating and reinvent their beauty.

She found her way through a deep journey of depression, distorted body image, destructive relationship with food and lack of self-confidence through integrating the physical side of health with the energetic body.

She works with Crystals, Supplements, Nutrition and Self Discovery and by exploring the shadow side of herself- bringing love and compassion to those areas.

She lives in Richmond, VA where she offers crystal healing and beauty care services. She offers coaching and healing by distance too.

She has two awesome young adult children, a “pibble” (pit bull), and two magical black cats.