The Healing Power of Nettle Tea

Drink to Your Health:

So many of us do not actually know what “being healthy” means. It doesn’t mean eating fancy food or starving ourselves in an attempt to fit some kind of perfect image. It is just about caring for your body to ensure a long and healthy life.

There is saying that if you go to meet someone and you do not have anything to give them, give them nettles. Yes, you read that right…..nettles!  Well, Stinging Nettles, to be exact, because of their substantial health benefits. Nettles are one of the best natural ingredients you can consume in the morning for a boost of fresh energy.

herbal tea, nettles, stinging nettles

Nettles have been shown to reverse hormonal imbalance, especially for people just entering middle age. They can also help prevent cancers in the reproductive system.

A cup of nettle tea in the morning facilitates better nutrient absorption and decreases stomach issues.  It can also improve your metabolism.

Since they are very high in potassium and iron, these herbs can help prevent kidney infections, remove toxins from the blood, and relieve arthritis pain.

Nettles can also improve mild acne. Soak nettle herbs overnight in hot water to reduce its sting and apply to your face.

Drinking Nettle Tea: Soak one ounce of the herb in water overnight for maximum results. You can sweeten it with a little honey and enjoy as an iced tea.

If you want to make life easy, then you can buy nettle tea online on made by Traditional Medicinals. I love making this tea with almond milk and honey or stevia.

Sit down with a cup of tea, a journal or a book and create that quiet space we all deserve and need in life.

Boost your iron levels naturally and let your mind wander as you enjoy your cup of tea. Think about your goals, your dreams and enjoy.

Set aside their unfortunate name and give those stinging nettles a chance!

Is tea a part of your morning ritual? I believe in the importance of a morning routine and am offering you a free guide and planner on creating your own morning rituals!

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Kelly St Claire is a Certified Crystal Healer and ACM-Advanced Crystal Master through the Hibiscus Moon Crystal Academy, trained Life and Holistic Nutrition Coach through the Southwest Institute of Healing Arts, and Master Hair Designer/Beauty Styli…

Kelly St Claire is a Certified Crystal Healer and ACM-Advanced Crystal Master through the Hibiscus Moon Crystal Academy, trained Life and Holistic Nutrition Coach through the Southwest Institute of Healing Arts, and Master Hair Designer/Beauty Stylist for over 25 years.

She helps people change negative self- perceptions around their bodies, emotional eating and reinvent their beauty.

She found her way through a deep journey of depression, distorted body image, destructive relationship with food and lack of self-confidence through integrating the physical side of health with the energetic body.

She works with Crystals, Supplements, Nutrition and Self Discovery and by exploring the shadow side of herself- bringing love and compassion to those areas.

She lives in Richmond, VA where she offers crystal healing and beauty care services. She offers coaching and healing by distance too.

She has two awesome young adult children, a “pibble” (pit bull), and two magical black cats.